Freespace 2 blue planet walkthrough
Freespace 2 blue planet walkthrough

freespace 2 blue planet walkthrough

Of course, you won’t be able to dodge incoming fire very well while moving in a straight line. After you make your bombing run on the target, cut your engines, turn, and continue firing as you regain enough distance to attack again. This feature also comes in handy when you’re attacking a stationary target, such as a battleship or shield generator. You can still use your afterburner while the engines are cut if you need to change direction or regain speed. Your engines will die, and you will continue to fly forward in a straight line at a very slowly diminishing speed you can face backwards and fire at pursuers while still fleeing.

freespace 2 blue planet walkthrough freespace 2 blue planet walkthrough

Use your afterburner to reach maximum speed, then press the ‘kill engine’ key. The ‘kill engine’ feature can be very helpful when you’re mobbed by enemies too powerful for you.I’d recommend buying the best one as soon as you can afford it, it will burn for far longer without needing to recharge. Not only can a sudden and drastic burst of speed save your life in a dogfight, or be of great assistance in tailing a tricky enemy, but its very handy when you need to travel, say, from one trade lane to another and don’t want to activate your cruise engines. You can fire any weapon, activated or deactivated, by pressing its number key. By default, all gun type weapons are activated, and all missiles, mines, etc. If you don’t want to fire all your weapons when you press the right mouse button (for example, if you need to conserve power and don’t want to fire your shield disrupter weapons after an enemy’s shields are down) then you can activate and deactivate weapons simply by clicking on the weapon’s name in the HUD in the lower right of the screen.I also find it easier to launch a torpedo in the middle of a fight by pressing its number key, rather than holding 'shift’ and pressing ‘Q’, which is rather cumbersome. So, make sure you mount your missile launchers in the lowest numbered ports, which you can easily reach from the directional keys. If you have multiple missile launchers of different types mounted (for example, a homing missile and an EMP missile), you probably don’t want to fire them both, which pressing the ‘fire missile’ key would do. All mounted weapons are numbered you can fire a single weapon by pressing the corresponding number key.

Freespace 2 blue planet walkthrough Pc#

PC cjm’s walkthrough and guide, Version 1.0, Copyright 2004

Freespace 2 blue planet walkthrough